Stop motion animation is still the most magical of special
effects techniques to me, because instinctively you know that real light is
falling on a real object that is seemingly moving of its own volition. Computer
Generated Imagery may be able to create more complex and fluid motion, but we
instinctively know that what we are looking at does not exist in our world.
There is still an arcane power in watching something you know you can touch
move on its own. So films featuring stop motion animation were my great passion
as a child.
Stop motion animation was the Rolls Royce of special effects
techniques in the 1960s and early 1970s. If you were a young fantasy addict a new
Ray Harryhausen film at the local ABC cinema was the equivalent of a new MCU
film dropping today. Because Ray Harryhausen lived in London he sometimes
appeared on British television with his models ( programmes such as “Screen
Test†with Michael Rodd in 1970) where he would explain the principals of stop
motion animation, which gave me a basic understanding of the technique at a
young age. Stop motion animation could also be found in children’s television
shows like “The Pogles†and “The Magic Roundaboutâ€, commercials and even on
“The Old Grey Whistle Test†where clips from Ladislas Starevitch’s films would
sometimes accompany music tracks (courtesy of Phillip Jenkinson). It was a golden age if you were a fan of the
technique, and Ray Harryhausen became my idol, representing everything that was
magical about the movies for me. But I had yet to discover Karel Zeman.
I first encountered Karel Zeman’s work on a British
children’s T.V show about movie special effects that showed extracts from a
15-minute Czech film called “The Magic World Of Karel Zeman†made in 1962. At
the time I had no idea what I was looking at. The only part I remember clearly
was a scene that showed some children climbing on the back of a dead
Stegosaurus, then the camera tracked around to reveal that the Stegosaurus was
a painting on a sheet of board close to the camera while the children stood on
a wooden frame a long way in the distance. This was supposedly how they shot
the scene from “Journey To The Beginning Of Time†(Many years later when I
finally got to see the film I was amazed to discover that the film employed a life
size prop, not a painting. I wondered if Karel Zeman was playing a joke by
deliberately misleading the audience?) As a child I was fascinated by this
short clip of film and wanted to know more about the movie and the person who
made it, but Karel Zeman was elusive and it was difficult to find any
information on him in the pre-internet 1960’s. It would be another thirty years
before I was able to see his film.
Zeman was Czech and began his film career in advertising and first worked in
animation making an advertisement for soap. In 1943 he accepted a job offer at
Zlin animation studio and in 1945 became director of the stop motion animation
production group and made his first short film “A Christmas Dream†(“Vanocni
Senâ€) which combined animated puppets and live action. Zeman then created a
series of puppet shorts featuring a character called Mr. Prokouk, which were
very popular. In 1948 he made the beautiful short film “Inspirationâ€(“Inspiraceâ€)
using animated glass figures, and two years later directed the half hour film
“King Lavra†(“Kra Lavraâ€) which went on to win a National Award. Karel Zeman’s
first feature film “The Treasure Of Bird Island†(“Poklad Ptaciho Ostrovaâ€) was
completed in 1952 and used innovative techniques to evoke Persian art. Then in
1955 he made the first of his six feature films to use his unique combination
of live action and animation techniques that would secure his place in movie
history, the remarkable “Cesta Do Pravekuâ€, or “Journey To the Beginning Of
tells the story of four children who venture back in time to discover the origins
of life on Earth. On the way they encounter creatures from the Quaternary, the
Tertiary, the Mezazoic, and Paleozoic eras. Uniquely and charmingly, no time is
spent on a logical explanation for their trip. There are no fantastical devices
here-no time machines, no boring into the center of the Earth, no discovery of
lost plateaus or uncharted, mist shrouded islands. The boys want to go, so they
go. They take a small boat and enter a mysterious cave tunnel and emerge in
prehistory travelling further back in time as they follow the river to its
from Karel Zeman’s most obvious accomplishments in creating myriad special
effects sequences, his skill as a director is evident in his handling of the
child actors, most of whom were not professionals. He elicits natural, unforced
performances from his cast with none of the sentimentality or grating archness
found in many American and British films featuring child actors from the same
period. Zeman’s use of the camera is also very effective with many tracking
shots taken on location or on studio sets closely following the children before
an encounter with a prehistoric creature. These shots with the camera following
just behind the children’s shoulders or tracking back in front of their faces
puts the audience directly inside their experience and makes the build up to
the reveal of the various creatures much more powerful. Compare these
pre-effects sequences with similar scenes in American dinosaur films from the
same period such as “Unknown Island†(1948) or “The Lost Continent†(1951) to
see that Zeman’s direction is much more effective. Perhaps his least
appreciated talent is as a writer. Apart from a few places where the film
becomes too studiedly educational, most of the dialogue between the children
flows naturally and believably. His abilities as a scriptwriter would become
more apparent in his later works.
the main reason anybody sees a film like this is to see the recreation of
prehistoric life and it is here that Karel Zeman differentiates himself from
Willis O’Brien and Ray Harryhausen. These movie giants concentrated on one
technique, stop motion animation combined with live action via miniature rear
projection or travelling mattes, to create their illusions. They occasionally used
giant props (King Kong’s hand or the Pteranodon’s feet from “1,000,000 Years
B.C.â€) to interact with the human actors, but all the creatures were primarily
brought to life by stop motion animation (sometimes augmented by a mechanical
head for close up’s like the King Kong bust, or the Ceratosaurs from “The
Animal Worldâ€).
Zeman is different from every other movie magician by fearlessly utilizing
every FX and animation technique available to him at the time and often switching
technique multiple times within a single scene. Examples are the mammoth, which
is sometimes a stop motion creation and sometimes a mechanical puppet shot in
camera on location with the children. The Phorusrhacos is a stop motion puppet,
a hand puppet for close ups, and a paper cut-out for the running shots. The Brontosaurus
is a combination of a mechanical head atop a painted flat body for the shots on
land, and a hand puppet for the shots in water. The Uintatherium is combination
of stop motion and close up’s using a mechanical head. Zeman is also fearless
about using completely different techniques not commonly used in visual effects
films, such as creating a herd of bounding antelope, giraffes and a Smilodon
purely through paper cut out animation. An Edmontosaurus (called a Trachodon in
the film) and an amphibian (possibly an Eryops) are brought to life as hand
puppets. This willingness to use any technique to create the creatures means
that the menagerie in “Journey To The Beginning Of Time†is much larger than in
Willis O’Brien’s “King Kong†(9 stop motion creatures, King Kong, Brontosaurus,
Stegosaurus, two legged lizard, Tyrannosaurus (probably), Elasmosaurus,
Pteranodon, prehistoric vulture (possibly Merriam’s Teratorn), various birds)
or Ray Harryhausen’s “1,000,000 Years B.C. (13 creatures including a photographically
enlarged iguana, tarantula, and grasshopper, Allosaurus, Archelon,
Brontosaurus, Ceratosaurus, Pteranodon and its two chicks, Rhamphorhynchus,
Triceratops, and a live warthog). In “Journey To The Beginning Of Time†we see
30 creatures (Mammuthus primigenius, Coelodonta, Deinotherium, Honanotherium,
Smilodon, Moropus, Uintatherium, Phorusrhacos, Helladotherium, Pteranodons,
Styracosaurus, Stegosaurus, Brontosaurus, Edmontosaurus, Ceratosaurus,
Meganeura, Eryops, Trilobite, plus a giant boa constrictor, a swimming
amphibian, a sea snake, flamingoes, antelopes, giraffes, crocodiles, a leopard,
vultures, turtles, various animated birds and a large, real carp). Zeman also
outdoes Harryhausen and O’Brien by having multiples of the same animal in shot
instead of the one representative of each species that show up for their one
sequence in “King Kongâ€, “Son Of Kongâ€, “I,000,000 Years B.C.†or “The Valley
Of Gwangiâ€, usually to menace the heroes or get into a fight. JTTBOT has a flock of flamingoes, a flock of
Pteranodons, herds of antelope, gazelle and giraffe, a congregation of
crocodiles, two grazing Helladotherium and two battling Coelodonta. These brief
scenes of herds of wildlife eating or galloping add immeasurably to the believability of
Zeman’s prehistoric world and make it seem like life continues once the camera
has moved on, rather than the line of solitary creatures waiting for their turn
to be menacing in the O’Brien or Harryhausen films.
is the master of the in-camera effect. The film was largely shot on location on
the river Vah in Slovakia and one of the most effective techniques is the use
of a foreground painting to create the prehistoric landscapes. Basically this
was a painted banner on two poles positioned behind the children in their boat
on the river and lined up to obscure the real far bank of the river with its modern
buildings, which would have spoiled the illusion. Great care was taken to match
the colors in the actual (obscured) bank in the painted background so that the
real reflection of the far bank in the river would match the painted element.
This very simple technique is remarkably effective and allowed the actors and
props to move in front of the painted background without any of the inherent
problems of a film optical, and all in camera on location. This technique
baffled me for years as I tried to figure it out on washed out VHS or poor
quality DVD copies of the film. It was not until I visited the Karel Zeman
museum in Prague and saw a re-creation of the set up that I finally understood
how brilliantly simple and effective this technique was. As far as I know, it
as an illusion unique to Karel Zeman.
restoration of “Journey To The Beginning Of Time†was the last of the three
film restoration project that began with “Baron Munchausenâ€(“Baron Prasilâ€1961),
and was followed by “Invention For Destructionâ€( “Vynalez Zkazyâ€1958) by the
Karel Zeman Museum in association with the Czech Film Foundation and Czech
Television, with digital restoration work taking place at Universal Production
Partners . It was also by far the most complex and challenging of the
restorations. All three films have been re-mastered in 4K with extensive
digital restoration to repair missing frames and fix multiple instances of
damage. All the films have been painstakingly colour corrected. JTTBOT had
additional challenges. The original negative was thought lost so restoration
work began on the best surviving elements, which consisted of two prints. After
a year of restoration work the original negative was located, but in terrible
condition. It had been improperly stored and parts of the negative had gone
moldy, a sad situation for an internationally renowned film. The decision had
to be made whether to continue the restoration work based on the prints, or to
go back to the beginning and use the negative. The painful decision was taken
to start again and do the restoration from the negative, and where the negative
was too damaged, to use the prints for those sections. This meant restoring “Journey
To The Beginning Of Time†took far longer than the previous films. The
restoration project for the three films took more than three years to complete.
good news is that all that hard work was worth it, and the film now looks
beautiful, possibly even better than when it was first released in 1955. The
colours are no longer faded, but rich and vibrant. The Agfacolour film stock
used, with its cool colour bias perfectly suits the blues and greens of the ice
age and Cambrian forests. The sound is clean and no longer thin and hissy. This
is probably the best the film has ever looked or sounded. The extra definition
reveals the charmingly hand made quality of the effects, but this is in no way
a negative comment. The films of Karel Zeman are hand crafted jewels, brought
into being by the vision, skill and tenacity of one man and not factory
produced like the giant FX films of today. We may never again be able to feel
the wonder of looking at the effects with the willing suspension of disbelief
as audiences did in the 1950’s, but we can still feel the wonder of looking at
the beautifully crafted illusions as a work of art. Something hand made with
love by a master magician and craftsman.
As I
said earlier it took me 30 years to finally see “Journey To The Beginning Of
time†in a horrible washed out and battered print on VHS of the dubbed American
version released in 1966 with additional footage shot at The American Museum Of
Natural History. Even though the presentation was sub par I was still amazed at
the creativity and ingenuity in recreating prehistoric fauna and flora.
Tracking down the films of Karel Zeman and finding out information on the man
and his techniques has taken me half my life. That journey over the years has
led me to friendships with other fans all over the world, and eventually to a
relationship with the wonderful Karel Zeman Museum which opened in Prague in
2012, and through this getting to know Ludmila Zeman, Karel Zeman’s daughter.
In the autumn of 2018 I stood on a stage in a theater in Pilsen, CZ with Ondrej
Beranek, one of the founders of the museum, and Ludmila to introduce the first
screening of the restoration of “Journey To The Beginning Of Timeâ€. Sitting
next to Ludmila and Ondrej in a theater full of appreciative children and
watching the boys from JTTBOT clamber over the Stegosaurus again completed a
journey I had begun as child, a lifetime ago.
The beautiful restorations of “Baron
Munchausenâ€, “Invention For Destruction†and now “Journey To The Beginning Of
Time†undertaken by the Karel Zeman Museum and available on Blu-Ray from the
Karel Zeman Museum in CZ, Second Run in the UK or the Criterion Collection in
the US finally allow English speaking audiences to rediscover and appreciate
some of the works of this extraordinary film maker. Hopefully restorations of
his other live action features (“The Jester’s Taleâ€, “The Stolen Airship†and
“On A Cometâ€) will happen at some point in the future. Karel Zeman is a filmmaker
whose name deserves to be as well known as George Melies, Willis O’Brien,
George Pal and Ray Harryhausen as one of cinema's master magicians.
(The film will be released in 2020 in the USA by Criterion.)